Tour The Associated Crafts® & Willet Hauser Studio In 3D
Discover The Studio, “Where Light Learns to Speak®”
Located in Winona Minnesota, the legendary Associated Crafts® & Willet Hauser studio is home to expert craftsmen who specialize in the design, fabrication, restoration, and protection of leaded stained glass windows, faceted stained glass windows, and much more. As one of the oldest and most historic studios in North America, the talented artists of Associated Crafts® & Willet Hauser have created a legacy of beauty in the stained glass of North America and beyond. This exciting 3D tour takes you inside the studio where it all happens. Navigate below to discover our stained glass studio, “Where Light Learns to Speak”®.
Free Inspection
As part of our mission to preserve America’s stained glass heritage, Associated Crafts® & Willet Hauser® offers free inspections to document and assess the condition of your stained glass windows.
Free Appraisal
Associated Crafts® & Willet Hauser offers a replacement cost appraisal to churches, commercial buildings, insurance companies and other owners of stained glass art. We provide this service free of charge.